Saturday, July 12, 2008

Into the Wild - Eddie Vedder music Soundtrack

I realize I may be a little late to the party in this but at the recommendation of my brother-in-law Chris, I recently watched the movie, "Into the Wild," which I highly recommend. What a wonderful movie about a man's search for the meaning of life and one's true self in an unfair and often brutal world. Setting the movie content aside for a moment, I cannot even remember the last time I was so awed by the soundtrack of a movie. Eddie Vedder puts in one of his finest performances in a pulled-back, vocal masterpiece that I tremendously appreciated. In today's music scene, where the louder and faster you play can seem to substitute for vocal talent, Vedder offers a breath of fresh air. ENJOY! Here are a few:






Nicole Shelby said...

i wholeheartedly agree. there were several times in watching this with you, where i just had to comment on the music - it was just so good.

i too loved the movie. we already talked about this - but, again: the sadness of it all was that he searched and searched for something that he already had. and when he finally realized the truth of his happiness he could no longer get to it.

luckily for us, we can recognize and enjoy our moments of peace and joy without trapping ourselves in an unsurvivable situation. the trick for me is to let those moments roll around in my mouth for me to savor...instead of hurrying on to the next bite of life. to just enjoy holding caleb...even if he is asleep. to not be so quick to see their mess...but enjoy watching hannah and adam playing together. to watch them piled up on you and enjoy your smiles. and to just be with you.

i love you.

Jodi Jean said...

i haven't seen the movie (its in my queue for netflix) ... but i LOVED the book (let me know if you wanna borrow it, it's around here somewhere ...