Friday, April 23, 2010

My Favorite Tea Party Signs, part VII

For any of you who are jumping on right now, if you'd like to know what I mean by "favorite" signs, read the intro to Part I of the series.


Nicole Shelby said...

the absurdity...the insanity...the ignorance...the prejudice...the hate...yikes! you just shouldn't be able to find this much evidence!!

Stephanie said...

I was just wondering if you did a blog when all the "hate, ignorant, prejudice and insanity" signs were at the protests against President Bush?

T.J. Shelby said...

Stephanie, I was just getting into blogging back then but I did have a blog post in which I railed against the War Protestors and their anti-Bush signs:

Do I feel a little differently now about Iraq than I did in January of 2007? Yes but that's for a whole other blog post.

Do I feel I rail against stupidity from both sides? Yes but I can't help it that one side gives me significantly more to complain about...